
Acorn Pre-School offer a curriculum following the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) (set by the Government) to all our children from the time they start at the setting until the time they leave us. We follow the 7 key areas of learning deemed essential for a child’s early years development.
These areas are as follows:
The 3 prime areas:
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The 4 specific areas:
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
How we Achieve This
The setting provides a wide selection of toys and activities to help promote your child’s development based on their own choices and with some adult led activities which are always fun based both inside and outside.
We value parent partnership as you are the primary educator of your child so when your child starts at the setting it is important for you to complete the booklet “all about me” so that we get to know your child, it is also important that when you are given termly “where have I been and what have I done” forms that you complete and share it with us so we can use the information that you provide to continue to know your child together with any new interests they may have.
The setting also supplies all children with a Home Link Book so parents and carers can regularly up-date the keyworker with achievements and events that they would like to share.